Forum Discussion

Justin_Haggerty's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 24, 2008

Apache Virtual Hosts

I'm load balancing 2 apache servers, each have the same named base virtual hosts defined. If I go behind the BIGIP the virtual hosts work fine. When I try to access them through the BIGIP I get the following error:


"Access Denied by intermediary. Domain not recognized."



I'm not using ssl (at least not yet).



Any ideas?
  • I followed below steps and it worked for me. Every domain that you are accelerating through WAM should have an entry in the application configuration. You can easily add multiple hostnames to the same application like so: 1. From the main BIP interface, click on "Applications" under the WebAccelerator section. 2. A new window pops up with a list of your applications, click on the one that is accelerating the site in question. 3. In the bottom right click "Add host", drop in your domain name, save, and you should be good to go.


  • I am having the same issue. But the above solution is not working for me. any other idea? Pls i need this urgent
  • justin_phelps_2's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    To contribute to what Dawn said.


    Every domain that you are accelerating through WAM should have an entry in the application configuration. You can easily add multiple hostnames to the same application like so:


    1. From the main BIP interface, click on "Applications" under the WebAccelerator section.


    2. A new window pops up with a list of your applications, click on the one that is accelerating the site in question.


    3. In the bottom right click "Add host", drop in your domain name, save, and you should be good to go.



  • That error message indicates that the requested host did not match a host defined in the applications section of WA. Check that all of the information in the applications section is correct.
  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Moved topic to WA forum, hopefully someone here can offer some guidance...



  • Maybe you can disable blocking on the WAM? :D Seriously though, I haven't worked with the web accelerator module before. Maybe someone would have an idea in the WAM forum (Click here)?



  • Thanks for the reply.



    That is the exact error that comes up in the web browser. I have tried it across multiple browsers and multiple OS's and get the same message. As far as the apache logs, it never hits apache. I can do tail -f on the error and access logs and nothing comes through. We do have an internal SNAT, nothing external to the world.



    I think this is a problem with the web acceleration module in the 6400's. When I remove the accelerator http class, virtual hosts work as expected.
  • Is that an Apache error? Is it the exact error text? Nothing came up for it on a google search. Is it a custom error page? What HTTP response code is logged on Apache?



    The major changes that would potentially happen when you introduce the BIG-IP to the connection path are source address translation due to SNAT'ing and/or server side connection re-use due to OneConnect. It doesn't sound at all like a OneConnect issue. Are you using SNAT on the BIG-IP VIP? If so you might try disabling this to see if the error goes away. I'm guessing not, but it's worth a shot. Can you change the default gateway on the Apache servers to the BIG-IP and disable SNAT? Does the request then work?


