Forum Discussion

MSIMON007_64454's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 01, 2011

Alert for Pool Member down


I read the "how-to" override the alert messages (linked below) but I'm wondering if anyone has figured out how to utilize "$target" alert attributes. High-level, I need to find out how to create an alert like the example below. I thought I should be able to do this by implementing new aggregate/roll-up monitors but I'm struggling with how to get it to work.

Desired Alert = Pool member [poolmember_name] using port [port] which is a member of the pool: [pool_name] has been marked down for the following reason [Availability_reason]


  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Mike,

    You can achieve this by writing up the aggregate monitor to something like:


    and then your corresponding alert message / display string would be something like:

      F5 LTM Pool Member Monitor State Monitor
      F5 LTM Pool Member state monitor
      F5 LTM Pool Member State Monitor Alert
      F5 LTM Pool Member state monitor alert. Target IP: {0}, monitor state: {1}, state: {2}, reason: {3}.

    If you follow the article mentioned above, you should be able to author everything inside an override pack. But keep in mind that our next release of the F5 Management Pack would make these types of overrides a lot easier, as it will provide out-of-the-box alerts for mostly all of the F5 monitors. And then you can just simply override the alerts.


  • But keep in mind that our next release of the F5 Management Pack would make these types of overrides a lot easier, as it will provide out-of-the-box alerts for mostly all of the F5 monitors. And then you can just simply override the alerts.










    Thanks for the Quick response...... When do expect the "next release" to be released?
  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    We are currently doing our final test passes against the latest release. We expect it to be completed very soon, and will let you know immediately when it is published for release.



    Thank you for your patience!


  • Julian_Balog_34's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi Mike,



    The new F5 Management Pack release (v2.2.0.580) is available for download at:




  • Julian,



    So I downloaded and installed the latest MP and I see that a lot more alert descriptions are now included Out-of-the-box. Great job! However, when a pool member goes down I need the alert description to include the name of the Pool the member is a part of (per my orignal post "Desired Alert = Pool member [poolmember_name] using port [port] which is a member of the pool: [pool_name] has been marked down for the following reason [Availability_reason]")



    So I implemented the agg. monitor as you suggested but for some reason I cannot get the new monitor enabled on the pool member object. I have attached a doc to this post.



    The attached doc contains the contents of my F5 overrides MP and a couple of screen shots. Can you take a look and provide any insight?





    Mike S