Forum Discussion

Vinne73's avatar
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Dec 17, 2014

Advanced Customization - no folder "Error Messages"

This is basically my problem. I see these folders:


Common Logout Access Policy Macros


It should be there:


Does anyone have it? I need it for localizing error messages. I do have more than 1 language enabled for this AP - and they work perfectly. I even get some French error messages, so I know it's somewhere.


Thank you Vincent


  • Hi Seth


    Thanks for your reply! I'm possibly blind, but I don't see it. I'm logged in on LTM. I click on Access Policy > Customization -> Advanced. Now where exactly is the "Localization" Tab? I see the GUI, with the folders. But I don't see any tabs.


    An image would be so helpful here :)


    Thanks again Vincent


  • Hi Vincent,


    Under "Access Policy" > "Customization" > "Advanced" you should see a tab on the left of the Customization GUI labeled "Localization". Here you need to drill down to "Customization Settings" > "Access Profiles" > "" > "Error Messages".


    You also need to look on the top right corner of the customization GUI and select the correct language you are making changes for.


    If you have any questions please let me know.



