Forum Discussion

Amit585731's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 25, 2017

Adding ip address which can query gtm

We are trying to create a setup where for all infoblox is primary dns server and there are some zone which are delegated to gtm. Since the gtm is external so security team wants us to only allow query address as infoblox address instead of allowing all. Is there any way we can restrict ip based query?




  • Hi Amit,


    Do you want to query address entries from GTM or block query from infoblox?


    Use RPZ in infoblox to block query for certain IP address.


    infoblox Device Managemnt--> DNS --> RPZ(Resource Policy Zone)


    Plz explain more about your requirement.


    • Amit585731's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi f5_rock,


      Thanks for reply, yeah at infoblox we have added the gtm ip address but is there a way I can add which all devices can query gtm, since the gtm is at the Internet edge so we don't want the world to query directly at gtm with the a record ( which is present at gtm).

