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Angel_Lopez_116's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Nov 12, 2014

Active serial console on Viprion chassis with two blades

Hi there,


I got a Viprion 2400 chassis with two 2150 blades in slots 1 and 2. I've connected the console ports of both blades to my console server but I'm getting confused with how the consoles are working. I'd expect to get login (or AOM access) on both consoles or at least in the console of the blade that has the role of master in the cluster, but I only get the blade 2 console even the blade in slot 1 is the master.


I've tried to disable slot 2 and I'm still getting console on this physical connection and the console of blade in slot 1 is completely dead. I can't get login nor AOM access through it.


I don't understand how console access works when you have a cluster with more than a blade in a chassis. Which console is active? Can't I have both consoles actives?




  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    I can't say i know all the specifics about console access to multiple blades so I can't comment on that - perhaps over DCers with more VIPRION experience will help.


    That being said, have you tried bladectl -b "slot number" i.e. bladectl -b 1 when you've consoled to blade 2?






  • Can't find any sensible documentation on this although " target="_blank">SOL13325 'suggests' only the primary cluster blade serial port should be used. It also mentions a console port menu accessible by pressing all these at once: ESC+Shift+9.


    You might also want to take a look at " target="_blank">SOL14993, just in case.


  • Nathan, I hadn't tried the bladectl command (I didn't know about it) but I can connect through slot 2 console to AOM and activate the slot 1 console. I guess it's something similar.


    I have two physical connections, one to the slot 1 blade console and the other one to the slot 2 blade console.


    I thought that I'd get console on both of them, but it seems that only the primary blade in the cluster could be available through serial console. Even knowing this there's something that doesn't make any sense to me and it's that the slot 1 blade is the master blade or primary cluster blade but I don't get a console, I get console in the slot 2 blade that isn't the primary. Does it any sense to you all this?


    As Nathan says, I've tried to find documentation about console behaviour in Viprion clusters, and I didn't get any that explains this weird behaviour.


    I also wonder about the utility of not having both console blades working. Ig I reboot the chassis and want to have the two consoles opened so I can see the boot sequence on both blades... how can I get this? Just one of the consoles would have the boot sequence output and the other one would be dead?