Forum Discussion

RyanDM2_175490's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 18, 2014

Accessing Server shares via UNC

I am setting up APM and I see that there are a number of ways to setup accessing internal websites, resources. One I haven't figured out is when I have a UNC path only. What I have tested is if I create a network access policy to that subnet, or even just the host, and then include the path to the directories. In my test, it worked, but is that the best way?


App tunnel doesn't seem to work, webtop links doesn't quite make it.


This is my path example: \\AUDIT-Data\AUDIT_2014\ Suggestions?


Thank you!


  • This is a concern for one of my clients. After talking with my local F5 engineer, it comes down to 1 or 3 possible solutions:


    1. Use Firepass
    2. Map a drive with Network Access
    3. Implement a third-party solution that can "webify" a CIFS share.
  • This is a concern for one of my clients. After talking with my local F5 engineer, it comes down to 1 or 3 possible solutions:


    1. Use Firepass
    2. Map a drive with Network Access
    3. Implement a third-party solution that can "webify" a CIFS share.
  • I tweaked the network access method. What I noticed, and recommend, is that no networks be listed (even the share subnet), but that skipping right to the mapped drive and path is best. What is cool is that it appears directly connected, and the user can't browse "up" the path.