Forum Discussion

Peter_Baumann_5's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 28, 2017

A simple source-ip whitelist and blocking page on HTTP pages?

Hi all, I need to do some whitelisting on a http virtual-server for some source-ip's and for all other ip's there should be a html blocking page displayed to the user.


No iRule should be used for this, since the config needs to be simple.


I checked with AFM. It is possible but no response page with source-ip filter.


I checked ASM. But it seems to complicated since I don't need ANY other filtering, only source-ip acl.


I checked protocol security profile but no possibility to combine a blocking page with AFM.


Any ideas how to do this on a simple way with the advanced firewall on F5?






  • Tikka_Nagi_1315's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I don't believe you can have a custom blocking page per source ip filter. This could be considered a request for enhancement. I would recommend that you open a support case regarding this.


  • OK, select a datagroup seems to be possible in version 13.x, I was trying it with v12.1.2.


    But there is again a problem according to this website:


    -> Bug ID688744 when matching multiple datagroups


    The website above explains a workaround.


    I will use the address matching when we upgraded to v13.x, probable later this year...


    Thanks for giving the hint with the new ltm policy feature.