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Spidey_29396's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2013

2 way SSL implementation

Hi All,


We are currently implementing 2-way SSL on our F5. Servers is using port 8011 and we need to encrypt only from client to F5. Now, we use self-signed certificate from F5 since the client don't want to spend money on signing certificates to CA. We can access the application via https but CLIENT wants client authentication to be enabled because when we access the application, wether the ssl certificate is installed on browser or not, we can still access the application.


Thanks! Ferdz


  • I'm a little more confused now. Do you have an SSL VIP (port 443) that has:


    1. a client SSL profile to decrypt the client SSL
    2. optionally a server SSL profile to re-encrypt to the back end server

    Does the back end server need encryption?


  • Number 1 answer is yes, number 2 answer is no. We have two VIPs, one is http and one is https, but same pool members http, we are trying to offload ssl for the https VIP. we want to have cliet certificate authentication between f5 and client.


  • Please verify that the client going through the HTTPS VIP is getting redirected to an HTTPS URL.


    Also, for testing, disable the HTTP VIP so that all traffic is forced through the HTTPS VIP.


    And to clarify, the HTTPS VIP should not have a server SSL profile.


  • Hi Kevin,


    Yes it is being directed even if we only type it is being rdirected to


    We cannot disable the http because it is already in production


    For server ssl, it is set into none


  • Okay, just to level set, this SSL-only configuration worked in your lab, but doesn't work in production, correct? And the only difference that you can see is the presence of a redirect? What if you go directly to ""? Are you getting any server side logs? Any LTM logs? Are there any differences besides these in the two configurations? And in the clients and/or servers?


  • Yes, that's the only difference..if we go directly to, still same result " connection interrupted"


    Ill check if there are ltm logs or server logs for testing tomorrow



    Hi Kevin,


    I think it is working now in production, i simulated again in Lab because i can still see certifcate error on accessing the application, is this normal?


    Certificate Error says IP address mismatched.


    Thanks! Ferdz


  • Yes, that's absolutely normal. There's two things going on:


    1. You're using what appears to be the default client SSL certificate/key on the BIG-IP.


    2. You're accessing the VIP with an IP address.


    A browser will generally complain if:


    1. The x509 subject of the certificate that is provided by the server in the SSL negotiation doesn't match what is requested (happens when you use an IP address to access the site)


    2. The certificate provided by the server/VIP in the SSL negotiation is somehow invalid (expired, revoked, etc.)


    3. The client cannot create an explicit trust chain from the server's certificate to the issuing CA certificate(s). These are the certificates in the browser's intermediate and trusted authority trust stores.


    You'll eventually need to import a good cert/key pair to the BIG-IP and then modify the VIP's client SSL profile to use these.