Forum Discussion

duke's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 21, 2013

11.3 proxy ARP




is it possible to disable Proxy ARP feature on v11.3 LTM?



When node goes down, LTM starts to respond to ARP requests from other nodes in


L2 LAN. When node goes up again, LTM continues to respond to ARP requests


making node unreachable to other nodes in that L2 VLAN.



Windows nodes detect this problem as 'IP address conflict'.



I think that this problem is related to v11.3 because we didn't experienced it


on v10.2.4.


  • are you talking about vlan group or arp response from virtual address (e.g. network virtual address, wildcard virtual address)?
  • duke's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Neither of this. :(


    It is just node in VLAN and member in pool behind standard virtual server.


  • do you have network or wildcard virtual address? if so, is arp enabled?



    tmsh list ltm virtual-address
  • duke's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Yes I have Forwarding VS with ARP enabled and several VLANs behind LTM.


    Forwarding VS is enabled on ALL VLANs beacuse of management access.


    ltm virtual WC_NETWORK_VS {


    destination any:any




    mask any


    profiles {


    fastL4 { }






    translate-address disabled


    translate-port disabled







    [root@ltm-viprion:/S1-green-P:Active:Standalone] config tmsh show ltm virtual-address





    Ltm::Virtual Address: any (






    Availability : unknown


    State : enabled


    Reason : The children virtual server(s) either don't have service checking enabled, or service check results are not available yet




  • Yes I have Forwarding VS with ARP enabled and several VLANs behind LTM.can you try to disable wildcard virtual address ('s arp?